My Ants Keeping Journal #5 - Something terrible happened

Hey G33ks,Before I start this post, I want you to note that it was a hard one for me to write. It took me a lot of effort getting through it so I hope you guys like it anyways. So after the 4th update, we got a lot more workers (with a lot, I mean 8 in the clear tube, and 4-ish in the moldy one).Everything was going fine, ants keeping strong and everything. But 3 days ago, the testtube in which my first queen lived was running out of water. The ants where still fine though, moving around happily like nothing was wrong. So I prepared another testtube, and attached it to the old one.I left my home, heading to my girlfriend. Next day, I came back to check on them, and something terrible happened: The workers where all dead. The queen was barely moving, and nearly dead as well.This was quite a shock for me and my girlfriend (who was at my place aswell). I even cried for about 15 minutes straight because of this.It was and is a hard thing to think about the nest, which you spend a half year on carefully raising, to just die like that. I have been upset about it all night, and I still am.I didn't checkup on the other queen then, so I did. And to my shock, all her workers died as well. She herself was quite fine she seems, but when all workers from a queen die, the nest has a low chance on survival. This will mean that both I and the queen have to work hard to get the nest to be a success.Though it certainly is a major setback, both in progress and morally, this is no reason for me to give up. I definitely learned a few things from this, and I already expected something like this to happen.I hope all of you will continue following me through my joruney, and I will see you in the next update.G33k Out!


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